Archive File-based QC Solutions


Archive File-based QC Solutions

ntc 0 15,269 2015.10.27 17:14


Production of content is elaborate, time consuming, expensive and creative process. But once created it helps to generate revenue for many years to come. To ensure that the content can be monetized, media companies archive content. One of the key requirements of the archival process is to archive pristine quality content, that can be pulled out at any time and converted into distribution format without the need for expensive re-work like mastering, editing etc.

Prior to file based workflows, content was archived on tapes such as Digi Betacam, DVCam, HDCam, 1-inch, 2-inch etc. But with the advent of file-based workflows, companies are archiving content in a form called master format. The master format could be DVC, XDCAM, ProRes, Jpeg2000 or any other depending on the format the workflow in the facility can process. More and more archival groups are moving to file based system and also converting tens of thousands of archived tapes to files.

It’s critical to detect any issues in the content prior to archive, since a different version of content may no longer be available. This is even more important while digitizing tapes, since the tapes may be discarded after digitization.

Automated QC using Baton

Automated QC using Interra System’s Baton QC software can ensure every piece of content that is being archived goes through a stringent, in-depth QC process. Baton can, not just ensure technical compliance of the content but also perform in-depth audio/video quality level checks. Users can create specific test plans in Baton that can detect issues that occur during digitization like tape-hits, wow & flutter, frozen video due to tape deck being stuck.

For file based workflows, media files of different formats may need to be ingested, requiring transcode of files to master format. Even though the content is file based, it would require strict quality control to ensure none of the transcode related issues are passed onto the master content as well as ensure that commercial blacks have been removed.



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